Minggu, 14 Maret 2010



Shadow Imitation Jutsu: (Used by Shikamaru)

Fire Style: Fireball jutsu (as seen in crystal ice mirrors, this one changes thru the series):

(As used in genin test with Kakashi in the begining)

Fire Style: Phoenix Fire flower Jutsu (Sasuke used in the Forest of Death):

Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu (Sasuke uses on Orochimaru):

Water Style: Water prison Jutsu (as used by Zabuza to Kakashi):
serpant-horse-rabbit-tiger-horse-rabbit-palm out sealing sign

Lightning Blade/Chidori (Kakashi kills Haku with it):

Water Style: Giant Vortex Jutsu (it was long I'm not sure if I caught all of it, even in slow motion + Zabuza did half signs to attempt to fool Kakashi's sharingan)

Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu (Donated by Crizo: from Zabuza vs. Kakashi fight)

Shadow Clone Shuriken Jutsu:

Summoning Jutsus:

Summoning Jutsu: Art of the Familiar Spirit(Orochimaru resurects snake that had just recently been killed by Naruto w/ shadow clones)

Summoning Jutsu: Toad Summoning

Summoning Jutsu: Spider Summoning

Earth Style: Summoning Jutsu: Fanged Pursuit Jutsu (Kakashi summons dogs from the ground to attack Zabuza)
serpant-dragon-dog-smash summoning scroll on ground

Genjutsu: Temporary Paralysis Jutsu (Used by disguised Orochimaru in Forest of Death)

Sealing Jutsu:
Curse Sealing Jutsu (As used by Kakashi to seal Sasuke's curse)

Basic Academy Jutsu
Substitution Jutsu: (As used by Sakura in the Forest of Death)

Clone Jutsu:

Transformation Jutsu:

Eight Gates

Eight Gates

They are eight important chakra points in the body. This is what limits the chakra in your body. So if you use it you have limits. After you use this it makes your body weaker. If you uses this you can pass the normal physical standards, but have extreme pain to the body. Rock Lee is one who can open open the 5 gates only for now. Might Guy, the one who even taught Lee about this, can open 6. Kakashi Hatake can only open 1, this is proven because while he was rock climbing it shows in his brain the first gate activating.

The First Gate

This gate is called the Gate of Opening, this frees the brain limit on all the strains and muscles, giving the user 5 times more speed and strength.

The Second Gate

This is called the Gate of Rest, you release the brain limit on your stamina, If the user was exhausted and ready to quit in an instant he would want to fight like the fight didn't even start yet.

The Third Gate

This is called the Gate of Life, this gate is in your spinal cord, and frees the limit to your nervous system through out your body. This makes information faster and builds more stamina. The side-effect of this is your body's skin will turn red because your building your blood-oxygen rate.

The Fourth Gate

This gate is called the Gate of Pain, It releases the limit oxygen going to your lungs, making more oxygen for the users body to use.

The Fifth Gate

This gate is called the Gate of Closing, this frees the amount of chakra you can use in one attack, this allows you to move the speed of sound.

The Sixth Gate

This gate is called the Gate of Joy, this takes away the amount of fat and protein your body can digest. And releasing useless energy resources giving the person more power and more stamina.

The Seventh Gate

This gate is called the Gate of Shock, this takes away the amount your body can move, it takes away your dead skin cells to fences and refresh your system making your body more power and more stamina.

The Eighth Gate

This gate is called the Gate of Death, this is the last gate, it is at the heart and uses your whole body's energy, it makes your heart pump at its fullest speed and passes all the 1-7 gates. It uses every cell in your body. There is side-effect of this called the Big Bang it kills every muscle in the body and the heart. Its a certified death on the user if the Gate of Death is ever opened.
Used by:Lee & Might Guy & Kakashi

Minggu, 07 Maret 2010

Homemade Burgers

Category: Meat & Seafood
Style: American
Servings: 4 persons

Special cheeseburgers: there's melted cheddar hidden in each burger, the subtile taste is brought out with mango chutney.

450 g lean minced beef
2 pcs bread, without crust
1 egg
4 spring onion, roughly chopped
1 pc garlic, sliced thinly
1 tbsp mango chutney
2 tsp mixed dried herbs
50 g cheddar
salt & freshly milled black pepper
4 burger buns, to serve

1. Put meat, bread, egg, spring onion and garlic in a food processor. Add a bit of salt and pepper and process until everything is equally mixed.
2. Divide the burger mix into four equal portions and form round patties with wet hands (so the meat won't stick).
3. Slice the cheese into four pieces and put one into the middle of each patty. Knead the meat around the cheese until it forms a burger. Put them 30 minutes in the refrigerator and heat up the grill beforehand.
4. Grill the burgers for 5-8 minutes on each side and fill the buns with them. Serve directly with your favorite garnish.

Warm Tomato-Mozarella Salad

Category: Salads
Style: Mediterranean
Special Consideration: Quick and Easy
Servings: 4 persons

A quick, simple appetizer with a mediterranean taste.

450 g Roma-tomatoes, in slices
225 g mozarella, in slices
1 red onion, minced
4-6 sun-dried tomatoes in oil, strained and sliced finely
4 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp red wine vinegar
1/2 tsp dijon mustard
4 tbsp finely sliced mixed herbs, such as basil, parsley, oregano and chives
salt and freshly milled black pepper
fresh herbs, to garnish

1. Lay the tomato and mozarella pieces on four flat fire-proof plates.
2. Spread the minced onion and sun-dried tomatoes over.
3. Whisk in a bowl the olive oil, vinegar, mustard, minced herbs, pepper and salt. Pour the dressing over the salad.
4. Set the salad plates 4-5 minutes under the grill until the mozarella melts. Spread the dish with black pepper and fresh herbs.

Antillean Spareribs

Category: Barbecue & Grilling
Servings: 4 persons

"This is the best recipe for ribs that I have tried so far. Cooking the ribs beforehand make them soft, while the sugar from the honey gives tasty crusts once the ribs are thoroughly grilled" - Tita

1,5 kg spareribs, cut in peces of 3 ribs each
freshly milled pepper
2 tbsp sunflower oil
25 g butter
3 tbsp lemon juice
1 l stock (bouillon)

For the tomato glaze:
2 tbsp tomato puree
2 pcs garlic
1 tbsp worchtester sauce
4 tbsp honey
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
pepper and salt
2 tbsp vinegar

1. Spread pepper over the spareribs. Warm the oil and butter and cook the ribs until brown all over. Pour the lemon juice and the stock and cook softly for 20 minutes. Drain and pat dry the ribs.
2. Mix the tomato puree with the minced garlic and the other ingredients.
3. Spread the spareribs with a bit of the tomato glaze and roast them, turning occassionally, for 10-15 minutes until golden brown. Spread the glaze over a couple of times until the ribs gleam.

Total preparing time: 35 minutes
Nutritional value per person: kcal (kj) 549 (2306), protein 29 g, fat 41 g, carbohydrates 16 g.

Bistik Ayam Saus Inggris

Category: Meat & Seafood
Servings: 4 orang

"Bila pergi ke Jawa Tengah, dan makan di restoran peninggalan Hindia-Belanda, biasanya ada menu 'bistik ayam'. Nah, ini salah satu resep bistik ayam yg rasanya paling mendekati masakan di restoran2 nostalgia itu. Gampang dibuat, dan hasilnya enak banget!" - Tita

300 gr daging dada ayam, iris tipis
50 gr tepung sagu
Minyak utk menggoreng

Utk saus:
2 sdm minyak goreng
1 sdm margarin
1 buah bawang bombay, iris
150 cc air
1 sdm kecap inggris
4 sdm kecap manis
1 sdm saus tomat
1 sdt garam
1/2 sdt merica bubuk
1 sdm tepung maizena larutkan dengan sedikit air
2 sdm kacang polong beku

Untuk pelengkap: setup sayuran dan kentang goreng

1. Lumuri irisan daging ayam dengan tepung sagu, lalu goreng dengan minyak panas hingga matang dan berwarna kecokelatan, angkat,
2. Buat saus: panaskan minyak dan margarin, tumis bawang bombay hingga harum, masukkan air, kecap inggris, kecap manis, saus tomat, garam, dan merica bubuk, didihkan. Setelah mendidih, kentalkan dengan larutan maizena, tambahkan kacang polong, masak sebentar, angkat.
3. Siapkan pinggan, tata ayam yg telah digoreng, tuangkan saus di atasnya, lengkapi dengan setup sayuran dan kentang goreng.

Tumis Bola-bola Daging Sapi

Category: Meat & Seafood
Servings: 5 orang

"Masakan ini bergaya campuran barat dan asia, mudah dibuat dan bahan2nya mudah diperoleh di mana pun, dan yang penting, anak2 pasti doyan!" - Tita

300 gr daging cincang
1 sdt garam
1/2 sdt merica bubuk
1/2 sdt pala bubuk
2 sdm tepung roti
1 bt telur
3 sdm margarin
6 sdm minyak goreng
1 buah bawang bombay, iris
2 sdm saus tomat
1 sdm kecap manis
1 sdm kecap asin jepang
100 cc air
2 batang wortel, potong menurut selera
4 sdm kacang polong beku

1. Campur daging cincang dengan garam, merica, pala, tepung roti, dan telur, aduk rata, bentuk bulatan2 kecil.
2. Panaskan margarin bersaam minyak goreng, goreng daging hingga matang, angkat. Panaskan kembali minyak dan m argarin, tumis bawang bombay hingga harum, masukkan saus tomat, kecap manis, kecap asin jepang, dan air, masukkan daging, wortel, dan kacang polong, masak sebentar, angkat.
3. Sajikan hangat dengan nasi atau kentang pure.